사이트 내 전체검색

ESG Management Philosophy





SOLiD ESG Management

We are committed to run our business to be environmentally-friendly, complying social responsibilities, and be a transparent governance. Sustainable growth of our business will be achieved through comprehensive efforts.

  • Environmental

    As part of international community, we deeply understand the severity of issues such as climate change, environmental pollution, and energy depletion. SOLiD is an active participant of international activities responding to these environmental issues. Numerous management activities, development of robust communication technologies, and implementations of eco-friendly policies will be done to solve and minimize the environmental issues.

  • Social

    As a member of the international community, SOLiD fulfills its social responsibilities and pursues the growth of both society and business. Efforts are made to create safe and healthy workplace condition, making employees happier in sustainable workplace with a culture of respect and consideration. SOLiD also supports the ESG management of partners by monitoring and evaluating any potential risks in supply chains. Derived from our robust technologies, innovative products and solutions of SOLiD are generating social values, contributing to better lives of all living things on Earth.

  • Governance

    At SOLiD, We understands the expectations and demands of each stakeholder and are embedding transparency in our governance. Legal compliance and transparent governance will be achieved at our company. SOLiD protects shareholders’ rights and promotes sustainable growth through ESG management.